Orange cake with agar agar


Biscuit dough
50 g butter
6 eggs
190 g sugar
190 g flour

Orange bavarois
10 gr agar agar
500 ml of orange juice
150 g of fine sugar
500 ml of whipped cream

Orange mirror 
1 orange
10 gr agar agar
500 ml of orange juice
60 g of sugar
1 tbsp apricot jam

300 g of dark chocolate
200 ml of whipped cream
2 tbsp sugar

Need extra
pie ring with a high edge of 20 cm diameter
baking tray
baking paper
cellophane foil
possibly ice cubes
marble plate or flat plate
possibly pine nuts
piping bag with serrated nozzle


Biscuit dough

Preheat the oven to 200 ºC. Melt the butter. Beat the eggs with the sugar lightly. Sift the flour in 2 parts above the eggs and spatula the flour through. Fold the butter through. Spread the batter evenly over a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and bake the biscuit in the oven in 6-10 minutes until golden brown and done. Allow the biscuit to cool.


Chop and melt the chocolate au bain-marie. With the pie ring, put two circles out of the biscuit dough. Also cut a strip of approx. 3 cm wide from the biscuit. Place the pie ring on a plate with a sheet of parchment paper and place a strip of cellophane foil against the edge. Cover the bottom and the bottom edge with the biscuit dough. Brush the dough with the melted chocolate and let it harden.

Orange bavarois

Bring orange juice and agar agar with the sugar to the boil. Beat the whipped cream. Fold the whipped cream into parts with the cooled orange juice. Pour half of orange bavarois into the pie ring and place a circle of biscuit dough on top. Let this briefly stiffen in the freezer and pour the rest of the orange bavarois in the ring to about 2 millimeters below the top edge. Allow the whole to set for at least two hours in the refrigerator.

Orange mirror

Cut the peel of the orange around half and spoon out the flesh. Bring orange juice with  agar agar and sugar to the boil. Pour the jelly into the orange halves. Stir the apricot jam through the remaining jelly and fill the cake ring with the stiffened bavarois. If necessary, put some pine nuts in the jelly as a joke. Let the cake and the orange halves stiffen for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator. Cut segments of the orange halves.


Place a marble plate or a plate in the freezer for at least 3 hours. Beat the whipped cream with the sugar and stir the whipped cream into a piping bag. Chop and melt the chocolate au bain-marie. Fold a piece of parchment paper, fill it with the melted chocolate and spray a scratchy pattern on the frozen plate. Remove the chocolate decoration directly from the plate and bend light. Garnish the cake with rosettes of whipped cream, chocolate decoration and the orange jelly segments.



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